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Georgie Carroll features Adelaide Comedy

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Date(s) - 04/12/2020
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Rhino Room


Georgie Carroll features Adelaide Comedy at Rhino Room Dec 4th at 7.30pm Hosted by Mickey D and supported by The Rudes, Julia Clarke, Jarryd Goundrey and Sandeep Totilani.
There are very limited tickets to due to a socially distanced audience so book early at
A Covid safe plan has been lodged with the state government and maximum capacities for each area are strictly adhered to. If we cancel shows all tickets will be fully refunded so you can book risk free.
We are providing hand sanitiser at the entrance and also at both areas of the bar. All chairs and tables have been wiped down and sanitised for you and chairs are placed in groups, with 1.5 m distance from adjacent groups. Please let us know if you want your group to sit together and we will set tables accordingly.
If you are experiencing any symptoms on the day of the event please let us know and we will refund your tickets. We ask that you observe social distancing when not seated in your immediate groups, both when catching up with other patrons and also when interacting with bar staff. Patrons must be seated when drinking.
Comedians are also being socially distanced in the green room, provided with hand sanitiser and each given a freshly sanitised microphone on stage

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