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Vertical Life Film Tour – North Adelaide

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Date(s) - 04/12/2020
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Wallis Cinemas Piccadilly


Vertical Life Film Tour is coming to

Wallis Cinemas Piccadilly


The Vertical Life Film Tour is an all new climbing film tour originated in Australia. The tour has been created and conceived by the team behind

Vertical Life

Magazine to celebrate its relaunch following COVID-19 hibernation and will make it’s debut in December 2020 with a national cinema tour.

This year’s film tour includes 4 original films that celebrate the vertical life!
1. OUT OF THE BLUE – An original independent film not previously released. It combines climbing, slack lining and circus arts in a truly unique and visually stunning film that captures the very essence of “vertical life”. The film has an original score by rising talent Josue Vergara.
2. A THOUSAND WAYS TO KISS THE GROUND – The film explores the paradox of grief within climbing, an activity sought out for the joy and vibrance it provides to its participants, but one that also exposes individuals to risk and the potential for tremendous grief and loss. The purpose of the film is to establish a starting point for destigmatizing the grieving process for climbers.
3. VALHALLA – A documentary about the search for something unique in a remote and wild place, far from the big cities and the most frenetic progress. Edu Marín, his father Francisco “Novato” and his brother Álex, embark on an uncertain adventure, in which the chances of success are low but the reward can be enormous. The determination of the Marin to conquer the largest roof in the world is absolute and nothing and no one can stop them. The great arch of Getu is the main setting for a story of joys, tears, unexpected obstacles, adverse weather, friendship and climbing.
4. LUCY STIRLING: OLYMPIC DREAM – This short film by Australian filmmaker Matt Raimondo follows Lucy as she sets her sights on the Olympic Dream.
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