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Keys to Awareness

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Date(s) - 25/06/2022 - 26/06/2022
7:30 am - 3:00 pm

Adelaide, South Australia


I could so easily let go,
allow it all to slide through my fingers.
I could free fall from this mess of a life;
wave after wave of air blow through my being scattering my energy to all directions.
I can feel the call to surrender.
I am at times so tired—
hold my arms out and just drop.
Yet, there is something so deep inside,
so strong and resolute
that I cannot submit to anything
but another step forward,
dragging weary limb after limb
until I can again—
Rise up.
by Katie Pifer
Where do You begin?
Where do You place that first step?
How can I be sure that it wont all end up right back to where I am right now?
This 2 day Workshop is for everyone starting out on their personal journey of Self Development and for those that have met another hurdle in their life and are questioning how to overcome this new obstacle.
Over the weekend I will introduce you to Breathwork, meditation, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Shadow Work, and more..
You will leave having a greater understanding about Trauma, Creating Boundaries, what you want for yourself, what you don’t want, and most importantly who you are, and who you want to become. You will also have a plan on how to get started.
These are deep topics explained in a way for all to understand.
This is a powerful weekend that takes you on your first journey to Self Discovery and Self Reflection.
As well as a full weekend of content information and practical exercises you will receive a workshop booklet with all of the slides used over the 2 days and pages to complete tasking, Self development and reflection homework and some pre-work to be completed before the event.
To be advised
Early Bird price available until24th May
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