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Australia\’s Biggest Quiz – Salibury

Australia\'s Biggest Quiz - Salibury

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Date(s) - 26/10/2022
6:30 am - 8:30 am

Eureka Tavern


Something historic is happening! Australia could be the first country in the world to eliminate hepatitis C. We have a cure, now Australians need to know about it.

Australia’s Biggest Quiz is a FREE community event, bringing attention to Hepatitis Australia’s mission to eliminate hepatitis C in Australia.

Australia’s Biggest Quiz will attempt a World Record for the Largest Ever Trivia Event Staged Across Multiple Venues!

Communities from each state and territory will come together for a night of fun, trivia and record-breaking – all in the name of ending hepatitis C in Australia.

Get ready to have some fun and help end hepatitis C in Australia in the process.

No live event near you? Don’t worry, you can play online too!

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