Celebration of World Chocolate Day - Whats On In AdelaideWhats On In Adelaide

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Celebration of World Chocolate Day

What do you get when two iconic South Australian family businesses team up? A
delicious, exclusive dessert menu to kick-start World Chocolate Day!

From the 7th of July, the day on which chocolate is celebrated worldwide, three
FruChocs-inspired dishes will grace Rezz Hotel’s menu.

“This collaboration honours Menz and Rezz Hotel, two neighbouring Adelaide
businesses which have been in operation since the mid-19th century”, says
Richard Hamood, owner of Rezz Hotel in Newton.

Curated by newly appointed Head Chef Akhilesh Singh, the collaboration showcases
the culinary delights Rezz has to offer its patrons with a sweet South Australian twist.

“FruChocs and Rezz both have a rich and extensive family history. It is extremely special
to partner with a like-minded business and create something to recognise World
Chocolate Day,” says Phil Sims, CEO of Menz.

A Chocolate Molten Cake, Chocolate Mousse and a serve of Authentic Spanish
Churros, each featuring a delicious FruChocs flavour twist, will be available for the month
of July at Rezz.

Visit Rezz Hotel at 20 Hamilton Terrace, Newton to experience this collaboration and
taste the delicious Menz FruChocs desserts.


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