Dillons Norwood Bookshop and Norwood Payneham & St Peters Library Service invite you to an evening with Mike Carlton.
Mike will be discussing “On Air” – his story, no holds barred. With characteristic humour and flair, Mike tells of the feuds and the friendships, the fun and the follies, writing candidly of the extraordinary parade of characters and events he has encountered in the unique life he has led.
Wednesday, October 10
6.30pm (doors open from 6pm)
Payneham Library
2 Turner St, Felixstow
Tickets $5 – Bookings Essential
“On Air” will be available for the special price of $44.99 on the evening (normally $49.99).
“Mike Carlton seems to have lived several lives. Annoyingly, each one more entertaining than the last” – Andrew Denton
“Rascal, rebel, rabble rouser, and a bit of a top spunk – Carlton’s wit is sharp enough to shave your legs. It really should be registered at police headquarters as a lethal weapon. This hilarious, pithy, witty tale gave me a severe case of laughter-related quip-lash” – Kathy Lette