Comedian Isaac Butterfield takes his long awaited (By Him) debut Australian Comedy Tour “Bad For Your Health” across the country in 2018…
Five years after starting his stand up career in Pubs and Clubs performing to crowds of as little as 3 people and as many as 800 – Butterfield has put together his favourite jokes that might just be ‘Bad For Your Health’.
Boasting an impressive 400,000 followers, over 20 million video views and a total of four real life friends – Butterfield has been preparing for this show since he can remember. From the days of rocking a double chin in High School to the present days of rocking “the greatest beard ever seen by mankind” (A quote from him) this modest man can’t wait to make you Laugh, Cry and hopefully not ask for your money back.
Hailing from a small beach community in NSW, this pale as f**k straight white male, covers all the topics that would otherwise get him fired from any normal job and be on the front page of Buzzfeed. From race to religion and Australian culture to d**k pics.
Isaac Butterfield has cemented himself as the next big thing in Australian Stand up, make sure you don’t miss it.