Coffee N Chrome is an opportunity for the owners of classic vehicles to take out their cars and bikes, share their classic vehicles with the public while enjoying the company of family, friends and fellow motor enthusiasts.
Those that attend Coffee N Chrome appreciate the beauty of automotive art and believe that classic vehicles should be ‘driven, not hidden’
At Coffee N Chrome there are no prizes, no rewards – those that attend CNC are not members of a ‘CNC club’, they attend because they want to. The cars and bikes at CNC are being shared, not judged.
If you especially like a particular car or bike, let the owner know, share a complement; you will enjoy the warm smile that you receive in return.
There are decades of experience at CNC; please don’t be shy to ask if you have a question about a car or bike. You will find that the owners are passionate enthusiasts and only too happy to speak with you.
CNC is as much about community fellowship and friends as it is about the appreciation of classic automotive art.
Original & resto, street machines & race vehicles, rods, rats, custom and show, Aussie, US, Jap, Euro and British steel, bikes with chrome and café racers; all steel bumper/chrome classics welcome.
We hope that you enjoy CNC and look forward to seeing you soon.
– Driven, not hidden –