Paul Haese
Astronomical Society of South Australia
Abstract: This presentation will look at several well known galaxies and faint planetary nebula halos. It will provide information about discovery, brightness and demonstrations of how much integration is needed to show faint halos and very distant galaxies. You will be able to see how persistence can be rewarding to your imaging pursuits. This will include how amateurs can contribute to discovery by imaging these faint objects.
Bio: Paul Haese is a multi award winning astrophotographer; with wins internationally and domestically. He has been photographing objects in the night sky since the mid 1980s and as such has accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge with many aspects of astrophotography. Paul owns two remotely operated imaging observatories which are in use on every clear night, so as to maximise collection of data on the many objects he images each year. Paul is currently involved in two research programmes; JUPOS (imaging Jupiter) and the other a search for very faint undiscovered halos around dying stars. He has already had one independent co-discovery of a halo and is awaiting confirmation of another at this point in time. He has served in various positions on the council however is currently both the President and Instruments Officer of the Astronomical Society of South Australia.
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