Every 2 years, young South Australian Firefighters aspire to get their photo in the S.A. Firefighters’ Calendar.
To get there, they must be fit, spend countless hours in the gym, and be prepared to present themselves to the public eye, to see who will get selected in the 2019 S.A. Firefighters’ Calendar.
That happens at this event, the “Selection Night”.
Why do they do it?,
Who knows why?
But they do know that the money raised goes to the Womens’ & Childrens’ Hospital Foundation & to sponsor a team of Firefighters to attend the World Police Fire Games, next held in China in 2019.
The Arkaba is excited to announce that we will be hosting this year’s SA Firefighters Calendar Selection Party. Come and vote for your favourite firefighter and see who will make up the 2019 calendar.
South Australian Fire Fighters Calendar