SPA is extremely excited to announce the 11th Annual Student Paramedics Australasia International Conference to be hosted by our Platinum Sponsor Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. This unique two-day conference is designed to immerse students in all things pre-hospital. With an emphasis on interactive, small group workshops, you will be able to up-skill in specific areas.
We have planned many exciting, new workshops and keynote speakers to be released soon! You can keep up to date with this information via our website and on Instagram or Twitter , @studentparamedicsaustralasia, @SPAbird, #SPAIC2018.
We will once again be hosting the Ferno Simulation Challenge. Get your teams ready to compete in the most daring scenario this year and battle it out to see which university team reigns supreme. FernoSim is held on Friday afternoon and runs for several hours into the night. It is held in conjunction with the Student Paramedics Australasia Conference #SPAIC2018
Team Application Deadline: 6 August 2018 (unless available spots are filled)
Student Team Application, Student Team Playbook and all other information can be found via;
What are you waiting for?! GET READY!
Registration is currently open for a limited time for early bird ticket sales –
– Early-bird rates for Members $70.00
– Early-bird rates for Non-members $80.00
– Members $80.00
– Non-members $90.00
Special thanks to Paramedics Australasia and Ferno Australia for making this event possible.