Longview presents – The Piece Project
Adelaide’s pinnacle street art event for 2018 will be hitting Adelaide as part of the 2018 SALA festival
In the past 7 years, Longview presented their annual street art event, The Piece Project, at Longview Vineyard during the Adelaide Hills Crush Festival. Due to January’s extreme weather conditions, Longview postponed the event, and is now bringing The Piece Project to the Published Art House as part of the 2018 SALA program.
18|8|18 | 3pm – Late | Published Arthouse, 11 Cannon Street, Adelaide 5000
Longview Wine | Street Art | DJ’s | Food Trucks
Ryley Smithson 3pm – 6pm
J.Hennessy – 6pm – 9pm
Felicity Aukett 9pm – 12pm
Street Artists & Insta handles
Morris Green – @morris.green_art
Craig Saunders (Masika)– @craigmas
Adam Geisler (Grots) – @hellvis.presley
Josh Trenwith (J2SKE) – @j2ske
So what is the Piece Project:
4 Australian street artists battle it out for a chance to be featured on the label of Longview’s Adelaide Hills, estate grown ‘The Piece’ Shiraz. in 2018, Longview will be presenting the Piece Project and showcasing street art as part of SALA at Published Art House.
The selected street artists have 5 hours to complete a huge mural or piece live before a huge festival crowd enjoying all-day beats and drinks late into the evening. As Longview wine flows, and guests enjoy dishes from local food trucks, a winner is crowned and people witness the creation of a limited edition street art wine label in real time. A collectable bottle of wine with a collectable piece of street art. In 2018 as part of SALA, artists may also have their street art submit for the SALA awards.