We all want a meaningful life full of purpose and happiness, but how can we achieve this in the fast paced society we live in today?
We are constantly bombarded with messages of what will make us happy – money, possessions, experiences, etc. With everything the modern world has on offer, from advances in technology to “unique and exciting” experiences, why is it so hard to find meaning and purpose in life?
Join world renowned speaker Acharya das who will shed light on these important questions, drawing on authentic yoga wisdom to deliver an enlightening and inspiring talk on how we can discover our life’s purpose and live a life that is truly meaningful, while making a positive contribution to those around us and the world we live in.
Event includes guided meditation, kirtan, Q&A time at the end of the talk, and refreshments.
Free event – $10 donation encouraged for delicious vego dinner
Acharya das will also be speaking on Anxiety & Depression – Discover Your Life’s Purpose in Adelaide on Saturday 6th October, for info and to register click here.
Acharya das is a world renowned and respected teacher of Vedic and yoga philosophy, meditation and kirtan. He has as an uncommonly deep understanding of yoga philosophy and practice and conveys that message in a clear, simple and oftentimes humorous manner. He has studied for many years in India under the direction of his initiating Gurudev, Srila Bhaktivedanti Swami Prabhupad and has also studied under Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda.
For 8 years up until 2006 he served as the General Secretary of the World Vaishnava Association, an Indian based umbrella organization for over 50 Indian and International spiritual organizations. He continues to serve as one of the secretaries in that organisation.
Acharya das has taught yoga wisdom to appreciative audiences around the world for over 40 years.
You can learn more about Acharya das at http://acharyadas.com/about-acharya-das.
Acharya das is very happy to make himself available for speaking opportunities and interviews on this
topic. Please contact Nathan at the Australian School of Meditation & Yoga (ASMY) on 0400 341 082 or
Full Australian Tour Schedule: http://asmy.org.au/ac-tour/.