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Adults Only

Adults Only

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Date(s) - 28/02/2024
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Church of the Epiphany


As the name suggests, ‘Adults Only’ is a music show full of ‘adult themes’ and ‘sexual references’, with a smattering of ‘coarse language’ thrown in for good measure; nothing overtly crude … but there’s no guarantee that all the songs are strictly ‘politically correct’!  This is not an event for folks who are easily offended!


It is though a carefully selected variety of adult songs presented with passion and humour to at times maybe shock, at times to make you laugh, and always to entertain.


This is Karen J White’s brand new show; she’s alone on stage with her guitars and her keyboard, but will make use of her ‘band in a stick’ for some of the songs – her professionally recorded backing tracks, including a couple taken from her albums excluding her recorded vocals.  Come along and have a laugh with her.

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