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Evening Concert | Unwavering Passion

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Date(s) - 09/06/2023
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Elder Hall


Australian String Quartet
Dale Barltrop – violin
Francesca Hiew – violin
Christopher Cartlidge – viola
Michael Dahlenburg – cello
Moya Henderson – Kudikynah Cave
Caroline Shaw – Three Essays
Beethoven – String Quartet in E flat major, Op. 127
Kudikynah Cave is a rock shelter on the Franklin River in Tasmania which raised awareness of the significance of this wilderness area during the famous Franklin Dam controversy. Civil unrest in the USA was the catalyst for Shaw’s Three Essays, and the greatest exponent of turmoil, Beethoven displays in his first late quartet a sublime miracle of variation.
*Approximately one hour concert with no interval
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