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Date(s) - 29/08/2024 - 31/08/2024
See Description for times

Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre


No Strings Attached Theatre of Disability in association with Adelaide Festival Centre presents HIGH.

HIGH explores the extraordinary journey of Rachel High – the first person with Down Syndrome in Australia to graduate from university.

HIGH invites you behind the scenes, to travel Rachel’s long road to university, starting in country SA, moving to the city, and fighting for opportunities that others take for granted. HIGH is also an homage to those who have fought alongside, supporting her to pursue her dreams of becoming an actor, an academic, and of bringing those two worlds together.

This is a timely show that highlights the barriers associated with disability, and the synergy of supports and the myriad micro-triumphs in this quest for the right to pursue education. This is no overnight sensation. This is a story of the long hard slog, the persistence required to overcome almost insurmountable obstacles. Each milestone achievement building on the one before. Rachel calls these her ‘stepping stones’ along the way, and she hopes that her story will inspire others like her.


Thursday 29th August 2024 – 8pm

Friday 30th August 2024 – 11am

Friday 30th August 2024 – 8pm

Saturday 31st August 2024 – 2.30pm

Saturday 31st August 2024 – 8pm


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