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Mrasa Toy Run For Fire N Steel Riders

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Date(s) - 11/12/2022
7:00 am - 10:00 am

Beaumont Rd, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia


MRASA Toy Run for Fire N Steel Riders
anyone is welcome to ride along with us as a group
Meet at 0930 for 10am stands up
Beaumont Road, Eastwood (directly across from birkin Street enter from greenhill road)
we will then ride into victoria park to do toy/donation drop and then ride up to the
OTR Glenunga (also has a subway store) on Glen Osmond Road where we will wait for santa before joining in on the ride up the freeway
Once we get to the callington turn off we will turn LEFT and head to the Bridge Hotel Langhorn Creek for lunch where we have booked already
please let us know if you will be with us for lunch in the comments in the event so we can keep an eye on numbers and add extra seats if need be
Be mindful that this is usually a hot weather ride and a slow ride so be prepared and stay hydrated, if you have no way to carry a drink just ask and someone will help you out
This is a big ride with alot of people on it so dont stress if we get seperated on the ride once we get to callington turn off just remember turn left and left and we will pull over somewhere before or after the turn off to regroup

It is your responsibility to be appropriately licensed for the bike you ride and that your bike is appropriately registered, insured and roadworthy.
Please ride within your ability and respect other riders’ and road users’ space.
Please start the ride with a full tank of fuel.
Check this facebook event for any late changes and updates

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