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Porsche Club SA – Show ‘N’ Shine

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Date(s) - 21/02/2021
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Wigley Reserve


The Porsche Club of South Australia is conducting a ‘Show N Shine’ at Wigley Reserve Glenelg,  on Sunday 21st February 2021 from 9 AM.


The Porsche Club of South Australia is dedicated to providing a central point for Porsche owners interested in competition, display and social events.  This event at Wigley Reserve will have on display models of Porsche cars over the seventy years of supplying sports cars to the world. From the early model 356, and then the iconic 911, and now the SUVs and four door coupes. Cars will be competing in the ‘Show N Shine category and with other cars that will be on display to the public.  Display section will include everyday drive cars to specialty race cars. A selection of the latest models from Porsche will also be on display along with allied connections to the automotive industry.

So if you interested in Porsche Cars or just a car enthusiast, why not take a wander down to Wigley Reserve 21st February.  It’s free and there will be food and drinks available. Come on down and check out the cars between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM

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