Spendless Shoes has relocated its city store in Rundle Mall. Opening today, Thursday, 1st June, the long-awaited flagship store is a short move from their previous James Place location to Rundle Mall’s western side (directly across from Uniqlo). It’s a well-timed upgrade for the brand that started its name in South Australia, with the Adelaide CBD […]
MOD - A futuristic museum of discovery
MOD is a place to be and be inspired by ideas at the intersection of science, art, and innovation. The exhibitions ...Event Highlights
What's On, What's Hot and What's free
New Tiki Inspired Adelaide Bar Launches with High Spirits
New West End bar, High Spirits, has fast become one of Adelaide’s premier hotspots for extravagant cocktails and tropical vibes. The Tiki-inspired modern venue took over the 1890’s Quelltaler House in December and owner, Jamie Tierney, says bar-goers have embraced the eclectic setting. “We’ve seen a lot of people really appreciate what we’re offering at […]
You’re Invited To Dinner…At Harry’s House!
Calling all Harry Styles Fans! Keep your Wednesday nights free, because Harry’s House is the place to be! Open from May 17th until May 31st at 6 East Terrace, you’ll need to get in quick before this whirlwind experience is gone for good! An abode for all fans of Harry Styles, this is a great […]
Movie tickets winner
The winner of the movie tickets is Sharyn Westwood https://www.facebook.com/zachmaddy?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDo3NzA1OTM1MzQ0NTQ3MTFfMjQ0Mzk2ODIxOTA4ODg5Nw%3D%3D