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Walk a Mile in My Boots Adelaide 2018

Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi, Adelaide, Australia

REGISTER TODAY! Walk a Mile in My Boots provides South Australian’s the opportunity to show their support for Hutt St Centre and people challenged by homelessness. Come together with friends, families, and colleagues to walk a mile in the boots of a person facing homelessness in South Australia; by walking one mile on a cold, […]

SEXPO Adelaide 2018

Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

ADELAIDE, SEXPO HAS HEARD YOU! After the hundreds of messages, phone calls and e-mails you have sent us over 4 long years, SEXPO presented by will be returning to Adelaide from August 10-12 at the newly renovated Adelaide Convention Centre. This may be your last chance to see SEXPO in Adelaide - tickets on […]

SEXPO, Adelaide 2018- Feel the Future

Adelaide Convention Centre North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

World famous adult sexuality, health and lifestyle expo SEXPO, will be making its 2018 return to Adelaide’s inner CBD in August. The popular expo will be returning to the state-famous Adelaide Convention Centre, unveiling its 2018 theme, ‘Feel the Future’. In addition to seminars, competitions and product exhibits, this years guests are encouraged to test […]


AUES BBQ3 2018

AUES The Adelaide University Engineering Society The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Adelaide, Australia

Golly gosh, is it that time of year again already??? Semester 2 is starting up ( s a d ) which means BBQ3 is right around the corner ( h a p p y ). Directly downstairs from our beloved Adelaide UniBar, BBQ3 will be held in the old UniBooks, just to spice things up […]


Night Euphoric

Floating Goose Studios Inc. 271 Morphett Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Adelaide, Australia

Rosina Possingham, George Graetz “Night Euphoric“ Curated by Gabrielle Lane. 10th August – 2nd September This collaborative exhibition by emerging Adelaide artists Rosina Possingham and George Graetz is a powerful and primordial exploration of female empowerment. The night opens and the sounds of the high energy music is enveloping; each beat gasps like a sudden […]


USC Meeting

TS Adelaide - Australian Navy Cadets 17 Jenkins street, Port Adelaide, South Australia 5015, Adelaide, Australia

USC Meeting

In The House: Total Recall

GU Film House Adelaide 128 Hindley Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia

Some of the cinema industry's most celebrated films are set to return to our screens in the next season of ‘In The House’! Arrive at 6:30pm for a 7pm start with Nova's very own Andy Martin. Tickets $10 or $9 for Cinebuzz Members. Book online now as these sessions do sell out fast. Synopsis: When […]

Soundbath with Ahilya

Yoga Spirit Studios 194 Henley Beach Road, Adelaide, South Australia 5031, Adelaide, Australia

A soundbath is a deeply relaxing, replenishing and rejuvenating experience. You will be immersed in a healing field of sound from gongs, drums, Himalayan (Tibetan) singing bowls, crystal bowls, rainsticks, rattles, voice in many forms such as chanting and mantra, bells and so much more. Soundbath at Yoga Spirit Studios includes an opening kirtan session […]

Switch; No Place Like Home Fri 10th Aug

Enigma Bar Hindley Street, Adelaide, Australia

Switch crew cracks open Dorothys boxxx and trips the lights funtastik all ova the rainbow and rite down the yellow brick road... theres no place like home! An OZ inspired nite of switchy goodness... best dressed 930pm... main show w gods n monsters crew 11pm and of course all the play ... dance... dress ups... […]


KING PARROT/Shatter Brain/Blunt Shovel at Edinburgh Castle Hotel

The Edinburgh Castle Hotel 233 Currie Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia

King Parrot make their return to Adelaide on Friday August 10 for their first ever appearance at Adelaide's new home of metal, The Edinburgh Castle Hotel. This will be a chance for fans to experience an intimate show with Australia's most raucous band. Special guests Shatter Brain and Blunt Shovel. Get your tickets from: