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Review: Love / Hate Actually

By Elisabeth Marie
Rating: ★★★★★

Love/Hate Actually is a comedy production where two friends explore the satirical Christmas-themed romantic comedy, Love Actually, and debate whether it is an iconic film that delves into different aspects of love or a cinematic disaster full of unrealistic scenarios and manipulative characters.
Amy Currie loves Love Actually and Natalie Bochenski hates Love Actually, and both of them will stop at nothing to prove their opinion is right! Using pie charts, visual aids, musical cues, and powerful speeches, both women argue tirelessly on this Christmas classic with hilarious dissonance.
Performers Amy Currie and Natalie Bochenski perfectly bring their thoughts on Love Actually to life through their passionate and strong-willed characters. The way they hold such conflicting opinions throughout the performance, yet bounce off of each other in such an effortless manner shows just how well the women work together to make a hilariously brilliant show.

The music throughout the performance is used sparingly to create impeccable comedic timing, and enhance the jokes of Amy and Natalie. Christmas music is utilised to bring the audience into the themes of Love Actually, and parodies of these same Christmas songs are performed with spirit to make the audience laugh at how ridiculous some of the films themes are.

The simple set allows the performers to shine as they aren’t overshadowed by props. They simply have what they need on stage and nothing to distract the audience from the performance.
This two-woman show had their audience captivated and laughing from start to end, and with their energetic performance, honest dialogue, and audience engagement, the show perfects lighthearted comedy theatre!

Love/Hate Actually will be playing at the Masonic Lodge for three days only, so don’t hesitate to grab your friends and decide once and for all whether you love or hate Love Actually, or perhaps you’ll start to see both sides of the story?

Location: Masonic Lodge
Dates: 14/02/2020 – 16/02/2020
Content Warning: PG Mild course language and sexual themes
 Ticket Price:
Full Price – $29.00 ea
BankSA Cardholder – $22.50ea

Concession – $27.00ea
Ticket Purchase:

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